Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How the media frames Global Warming and its impact on Earthquakes...

By: Tristan Nguyen & Science of Pollution Group

Earthquakes are said to be responsible by humans from the fact that they are sole contributors to global warming. Global warming causes the polar ice caps to melt and that contribute tremendous amounts of weight are lifted off of Earth's crust and this can cause seismic plates to slip and stimulate earthquake activity according to research into prehistoric earthquakes and volcanic activity. As human go through their daily life they generate pollution by creating waste and putting airborne pollutant into the atmosphere. From factory mills, chemical, production, cars, sewage, and oil human contaminate the earth. Carbon monoxide is the main problem and concern for the Earth’s well-being, because the more carbon monoxide human place in the atmosphere the quicker global warming will get worst hence contributing to climate change. Pollution caused by humans are not the only contributors to earthquakes. For example other factors include coal mining and construction of dams.

An article in the National Geographic News titled “Coal Mining Causing Earthquakes, Study Says” refers to the earthquake in Austria in 1989 were caused by humans. It was proven by Christian D. Klose of Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, New York; that the quake was triggered by changes in tectonic forces caused by two-hundred years of underground coal mining. This article frames the story in a way that directly blames human for the earthquake that happened in Austria; however the framing strategy they used was hidden in their context, because the article did not directly say humans caused the quake, rather coal mining in general caused the earthquake. As you can see framing is a key factor in getting viewers and the audience to believe a certain idea or concept. The way a story is framed will affect how people will react and perceive the story.

In an interview Danny Glover, a Hollywood celebrity, blamed Haiti’s earth quake on global warming and climate change. "What happened in Haiti could happen anywhere in the Caribbean because all these island nations are in peril because of global warming," Glover said. "When we see what we did at the climate summit in Copenhagen, this is the response, this is what happens."

In this case study Danny Glover framed the news segment toward global warming to his viewers. He is not telling them what to think, however he is suggesting to them what to think about. The “what” Glover is mentioning is climate change and global warming in relations to the earthquake in Haiti. When the viewers watch his interview they will stop to think about global warming and how they can take part in order save the environment. Glover wants humans to be more concerned about the environment and do what they can to stop climate change. His message also subtlety implies people should go “green” and adopt greener alternatives such as hybrid cars and recycling.


1. Top 5 Ways to Cause a Man-Made Earthquake

2. Some earthquakes may be linked to climate change

3. Video: Danny Glover: Haiti Earthquake Caused By Global Warming

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